About Struga News

StrugaNews is a local news website covering weekly News, Features, and Events from Struga, Macedonia. Weekly post will be written in English,Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish.

StrugaNews will keep you updated on whats happening from Breaking News to Struga’s Hot Spots!

Stayed tuned to get the best out of Struga this Summer and every Summer thereafter!


StrugaNews е  веб-сајт на локални вести  за покривање неделни вести, карактеристики  како и настани од Струга, Македонија. Неделените објавувања ќе бидат напишани на англиски, македонски, турски и албански јазик.

StrugaNews ќе биде ажуриран и ќе ве информира  со се што случува како
ударни вести од жариштата во Струга!

Прочитајте не за да го добиете најдоброто од Струга ова лето и секое
лето потоа!


StrugaNews është një website lokal i lajmeve që përmban lajme javore,dhe ngjarje nga Struga, Maqedoni.

Postimet javore do të bëhen në gjuhën Angleze, Maqedone, Shqipe dhe Turke.

StrugaNews do të jetë ne dispozicion për ju, me ndodhit me të reja të Strugës.

Qëndroni me ne, per ti marë lajmet më të mira nga kjo verë në Strugë , si dhe verat tjera që vijnë me radh!


StrugaNews haftalik Haberler,Özelikler,olaylar kapsayan bir yerel haber sitesi.

Haftalik haberler Ingilizce, Makedonca, Arnavutça  ve Türkce  dilinde yazilicak.

StrugaNews , Struganin sicak haberlerini vericek, ve neler olup bittigini guncelemeye devam edecektir.

Bizimle kalin, ve en iyi şekilde bu yaz ve her yaz için Struganin sicak haberleni bizden alin!

5 thoughts on “About Struga News

  1. Does this web site offer the residents of Struga the chance to post their own comments & opinions regardless if it’s good or bad. Will this site offer the general public the opportunity to post their own articles and/or pics with comments like CNN offers with i-reporter? Is this web site sponsored by any particular group or political party? Reason i ask, if you are influenced to write or not write certain articles because of pressure from a certain group or party. I wish you sucess with this web site and hopefully you have many followers both here in Macedonia & abroad.

    • StrugaNews is an independent local news outlet covering different topics related to Struga. Struga News is not owned by the government and/or sponsored by any political party. It is not supported by one ethnicity and does not hold any discriminations. Struga News has contributors of all different ethnic groups here in Macedonia. The creator of Stuga News, Angelina Tala, is an American Journalist who is not biased and bases her stories on fact only. However, Struga News is open to publish Opinion stories from their readers. Of course, as in any publication, the articles will be reviewed and discussed amongst the board. As always, we appreciate your feedback.

      • I’m glad to hear that your not influenced, owned or supported by one specific intety, that looks to benefit themselves, for political or financial gain. I as a Struga born, American raised individual am happy to hear that you guys are not influenced or cohersed into writing articles that would be one sided. If there is anything i can do to help out, promote or grow your site please do not hesitate to letting me know.


        Bujar Bauta

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